Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fair times

So we went to the Barnstable fair on Wednesday night.  We were relatively late getting out there after missing one turn (stupid rotaries).  Once there we went in and the kids got on a number of rides.  The older one got on the Polar Express and the little roller coaster.  She and her little sister got on the kiddie coaster, another ride that spun around, these spinning bears and also into the inflatable bouncy castle thing.  They both went on the little fun house with their father as well.  It ended up where the kids rode a little train to finish up.  By that point the fog was rolling in pretty good so we decided to leave but since we hadn't grabbed anything to eat for dinner we ended up stopping at Dominoes and getting a pizza, sandwich and some cinnamon sticks to take back to the room.  And that was that for Wednesday night.

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