Monday, July 18, 2011

Yarg! Dickey Mo!

So after leaving the hotel this morning and grabbing a quick breakfast down the street, off we drove east on route 6 to Provincetown.  Once we got there we parked a block away from the pier and then walked down to get our ticket to board the boat.  We had the 1pm sailing and boarded around 12:30pm.  We were on the Dolphin X.  Unfortunately it was ready to rain by the time we got on the boat so we ended up buying 4 ponchos for $12 but we still picked the back starboard corner on the upper deck.  It was open to the weather so we did get wet but after we set off to sea it turned out to be a pretty calm day, if cloudy and wet.  In terms of whales however it really was an awesome trip.  We saw a ton of them and they were very active doing things like slapping the water with their flukes or flippers and even jumping clear out making enormous splashes.  I swear these whales were on the payroll for the Dolphin fleet.  We got a lot of photos and video clips.  After we returned to port, we grabbed a quick snack (pizza, onion rings, bread sticks and a hot dog) before strolling around P-town to do a little shopping.  Then we headed back west and the rain got even harder in places with lightning and thunder.  We were going to stop at Arnold's but it was a mob scene so we get moving.  We drove a bit on route 6A through Brewster but didn't find a place we liked for dinner so we finally ended up back down from our resort at Sam Diego's Mexican restaurant.  It was pretty good and we had some drinks.  After that it was late and we went back to the resort to rest up before tomorrow's activities which looks to start by following the pilgrims footsteps from P-town to Plymouth.

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